Skin Rejuvenation with Sciton BBL HERO
Gives You Clearer, More Radiant Skin
If the tone and texture of your complexion is compromised by fine lines, wrinkles, discoloration, sun damage, or acne scarring, we can help. Skin rejuvenation improves your skin by spurring tissue healing factors and collagen production. The result is smoother, healthier skin that is more even and youthful. To learn how skin rejuvenation by Dr. Ken Smart in Frisco, TX, can benefit your appearance, schedule a consultation today.
What is Sciton BBL HERO?
...the skin hero you have been looking for!
BBL HERO stands for Broad Band Light - High Energy Rapid Output. BBL, a type of IPL (intense pulse light) device, differs from traditional lasers: lasers use a narrowly focused wavelength on the light spectrum, however, BBL uses a broad spectrum of light to allow numerous wavelengths to enter the skin simultaneously. BBL's innovations take this treatment to an entirely new level to help trigger a skin healing response for collagen and elastic production, as well as improve many of the visible signs of aging.
Sciton BBL HERO is fast and corrects visible signs of aging such as vascular lesions, pigmented lesions, sun damage, and age spots. The device also helps reduce redness associated with rosacea, and controls active acne and the visible signs left from acne breakouts. The treatments are comfortable, effective, and can be performed on most skin types. With as little as a single treatment, patients can reach outstanding results with minmal to non-existent downtime.
This device provides improved efficiency, speed, and superior results. It can target imperfections on any area of the body to improve the appearance of your skin and restore your natural beauty. Treatments are fast and comfortable enough to be performed without numbing and typically require 3 to 6 treatments for optimal results.
What can BBL HERO treat?
BBL technology can be used on any area of the body to treat a variety of skin concerns such as:
- Age spots
- Discoloration, sun damage and uneven skin tone
- Rosacea and redness
- Acne and acne scarring
- Visible veins
- Texture
- Cherry angiomas
- Freckles
- Large pores

Face & Body Skin Rejuvenation
Forever Young BBL
Forever Young BBL facial skin treatment uses intense pulsed light to target the pigment within the skin. It flashes specialized light as it is quickly moved across the skin. The pigment is initially darkened, helping you know that you received an optimal treatment. Within the next several days, your body's natural healing process will remove the pigmented cells and replace them with fresh, new, undamaged cells. For optimal results, a series of 3 to 5 treatments, four weeks apart, may be recommended.
Forever Body BBL
Forever Body BBL skin treatment using intense pulsed light is the fastest way to treat pigment, sun damage, and troublesome age spots across your body. Treat your arms, legs, chest, shoulders... and more! We can address multiple areas of concern in a short treatment session with no-downtime to help reduce visible signs of aging and improve the skin's appearance. Depending on the condition of your skin, a series of a few treatments may be needed to provide the longest-lasting benefits.
Forever Clear BBL
Forever Clear BBL skin treatment using intense pulsed light to zap stubborn acne. With approximately 3 to 5 treatments, we can help to eliminate bacteria, reduce inflammation and promote the natural healing process to clear acne.
What to Expect
During a BBL treatment
Prior to receiving a BBL treatment, it is advised to avoid direct prolonged sun exposure for approximately two weeks, as well as discontinue use of any photosensitizing products such as retinol or Retin-A. Your BBL can range from 15-45 minutes depending on the area being treated. During the treatment, you may experience a warming sensation, but the device features contact cooling technology to keep you comfortable.
After a BBL treatment
Immediately following your BBL treatment, you may observe redness or flushing of the treated area, like that of a sunburn. This should subside in a few hours. We advise avoiding direct prolonged sun exposure for 24-48 hours, and strongly recommend daily application of sunscreen. We also recommend avoiding the use of skin irritants for one week after treatment which includes products such as Retin-A, retinol, benzoyl peroxide, and salicylic acid. In 5 to 7 days following treatment, you may notice patches of dry skin, which you should allow to flake off naturally.
How long does it take to see results?
This can vary based on the individual, the area being treated, and settings used; however, most patients see results in 2 to 4 weeks. For optimal results, a series of treatments, four weeks apart, may be recommended.
Schedule Your Consultation Today
Improving your complexion has never been faster, simpler, or more effective. To find out whether laser skin resurfacing is the right choice for you, contact us today and book an appointment.