Recovery after Liposuction By Kenneth Smart Jr. on September 30, 2013

Dallas Liposuction RecoveryFor patients seeking a way to trim excess pockets of fat, liposuction can provide satisfying results. While a surgeon’s experience and available technology play roles in the procedure, patients can also help themselves by understanding what to expect at every step of the way.

If you are considering liposuction with Dallas surgeon Ken Smart, take a moment to familiarize yourself with the recovery process.

Liposuction Side Effects and Risks

After surgery, you can expect a few side effects, all of which will decrease over the course of the recovery period.

  • Pain or tenderness: The incisions and subsequent stitches involved in liposuction can be uncomfortable or somewhat painful in the early stages of recovery. This is usually manageable with over-the-counter painkiller medication. 
  • Bruising and swelling: Bruising may persist for two to three weeks, while swelling may not fully disappear until months after surgery. Applying an ice pack to affected areas can reduce swelling over the first few days or weeks. Speak with your doctor regarding the use of anti-inflammatory medicine.
  • Infection: Although infection is not common, it’s important to keep an eye on the area of liposuction. Report any increased and persistent pain, swelling, or bleeding to your doctor, as this may be indicative of an infection.

Tips During Recovery

Before even stepping foot in the operating room, you should arrange for a friend or family member to take you home afterward. Whether local or general anesthesia is used, you will not likely be in a good condition to drive. As you arrive home and begin to heal from your liposuction procedure, a few helpful habits will aid in your recovery.

  • Wear your compression garment: Following the surgery, your doctor will give you an elastic compression garment to wear around the site of your liposuction. This not only minimizes swelling, bruising, and infection, but also helps your body adjust to its reshaped contours. Aside from bathing, keep this garment on for the entirety of the time prescribed by your doctor.
  • Limit physical activity: Relax for the first few days after liposuction. Avoid exercise and any demanding tasks within the first four to six weeks.
  • Take time off: You and your doctor will determine an appropriate timeline for recovery. Many patients require two weeks off from work, especially for jobs that demand constant physical movement. Most importantly, allow yourself to take this time off, and consult with your doctor before reengaging in the rigor of your daily life.

VASER Ultrasound Liposuction

Dr. Ken Smart offers ultrasound-assisted liposuction through VASER. This method of liposuction may offer added benefits to the recovery process.

Before the liposuction itself, the VASER process utilizes an injection of tumescent fluid. This fluid expands the fat tissue and shrinks blood vessels, which can result in less bleeding, bruising, and swelling in the following days.

Some doctors also prefer this method because the ultrasonic waves break up fat cells, making them easier to remove. This may additionally benefit a patient’s recovery from a simplified procedure.

Contact Us for Additional Information

Plastic surgeon Ken Smart is a veteran of his field, providing consistently professional results for new and returning patients. To further inquire about liposuction or any other cosmetic procedure we offer, contact our office to schedule an initial consultation. To see how he can best serve you, call us today!

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Dr. Smart

Frisco Plastic Surgery & MedSpa

Dr. Ken Smart and his dedicated team want every patient who visits their office to look and feel their best. Dr. Smart is a renowned plastic surgeon who is affiliated with various trusted organizations, including the: 

  • American Board of Plastic Surgery
  • American Society of Plastic Surgeons
  • American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
  • Texas Medical Association

To discuss your concerns with Dr. Smart and learn more about our personalized approach to care, request your cosmetic consultation online or call us at (972) 334-0400.

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